
Agriculture Nonpoint Source (NPS) Pollution

Farm fertilizers and manure, when used improperly, can significantly harm fish and other wildlife in and around our streams, lakes and rivers.  For example, excess nitrogen applied to fields can be flushed through the soil by rainwater into local groundwater including well water used for private and public drinking water supplies.  Agricultural sources are the leading cause of NPS impaired water bodies in PA according to the PA Department of Environmental Protection’s (DEP) 2012 Integrated List of All Waters.  Approximately 5,700 miles of streams in PA are impaired for aquatic life, recreation and water supply uses due to agricultural activities.

Is agricultural runoff impacting your Pennsylvania neighborhood?

See the below list of funding resources which can help you address agricultural sources of pollution in your communities:

Growing Greener Grant Program

The purpose of the state-funded Growing Greener Grant Program is to implement local, watershed-based planning, restoration and protection efforts to improve the quality of Pennsylvania’s water resources. Learn more about eligibility, the yearly grant round and submission requirements for these grants, at .

Section 319 NPS Grant Program

The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection receives Section 319 NPS Program grants through the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to implement the state’s approved Nonpoint Source Management Program. Funding is provided annually to states in the form of a grant which is allocated to help implement projects in priority watersheds and help carry forth the mission of the state’s NPS Program. Eligible applicants for Section 319 NPS Program funding include: Incorporated Watershed Associations; Counties and Municipalities; County Conservation Districts; and Councils of Government. For more information about this funding, visit

Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP)

The EQIP is a voluntary program administered by the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service that provides financial and technical assistance to agricultural producers. Through contracts, EQIP provides financial assistance to help plan and implement conservation practices that address natural resource concerns and for opportunities to improve soil, water, plant, animal, air and related resources. EQIP also works to help producers meet federal, state, tribal and local environmental regulations. For more information about this funding program, visit .

Watershed Restoration Grants Program

One of the principal goals of the Watershed Restoration and Protection Program (WRPP), administered by the Commonwealth Financing Authority, is to restore and maintain restored stream reaches through the implementation of urban storm water reduction and infiltration practices. Projects which involve the construction, improvement, expansion, repair, maintenance or rehabilitation of new or existing urban storm water reduction and infiltration practices are considered for funding. Eligible groups include municipalities, Councils of Governments, institutions of higher education, watershed organizations, and for-profit businesses. For more information, visit

Watershed Protection Grants

The William Penn Foundation is dedicated to improving the quality of life in the Greater Philadelphia region through grants to fund environmental protection. Working with other groups, the Foundation’s mission is to advance opportunity for residents, ensure sustainability of the overall environment and enable effective solutions in meeting daily needs of the area. With this in mind, the Foundation offers watershed protection grants to allow for work to improve water quality in the Delaware River Basin. For more information regarding this funding, including eligibility requirements, visit